Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In 5/15/10

The second week of our journey was not as easy as the first. Jason is continuing to lose inches, but has had a harder time this week losing weight. Bethany started out the week well, but gained some back at the end of the week. We spent Friday evening and Saturday away from home, and had to choose our foods very carefully.

Jason's beginning weight: 336.4
Jason's beginning of week weight: 331.4
Jason's weight today: 331.4
Amount lost this week: 0 lbs
Amount lost total: 5 lbs

Bethany's beginning weight: 295
Bethany's beginning of week weight: 290
Bethany's weight today: 288.6
Amount lost this week: 1.4 lbs
Amount lost total: 6.4 lbs

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your first two weeks, you two! You're doing great!

I saw that Jason posted in the Belly Fat Cure Spark Team. Are you guys following that program? It's been working really well for me and my boyfriend!

I've added you to my blog feed so I'll be checking on your progress. Keep it up! I'm rooting for you!! :)

Jason's Progress

Bethany's Progress