Hi, my name is Jason and thanks for visiting our blog. I have struggled with obesity almost my entire life. My father got sick with cancer when I was seven and died soon after my eighth birthday. I did not show my emotions, but ran to food as my only source of comfort. I would consume $30-$40 per week of junk food (twenty years ago that was a lot of money) from Little Debbies to potato chips.
By age fourteen I hit 285 pounds. When I was a senior in High School I was working three jobs, because I wasn't living at home, and one was at a factory where the average temperature was 127 degrees. That summer I lost a lot of weight and got down to 199 for just one day.
I then went off to college and began a sedentary lifestyle. I put on the pounds to almost 300 pounds. Before we started this blog I had been on a strict diet for a whole week and I could not weigh myself because our scales max out at 330 lbs. We bought new one and I finally found out that I weighed 336.4 lbs. Today when I weighed myself I dropped to 335.6 lbs which is a 0.8 lbs difference. So I figure that I had to weight at least 340 lbs to start off with.
This is not a diet for me, though I might refer to it as a diet, it is more a lifestyle change. I am counting calories, measuring my foods, and exercising more often. I have tried a lot of the fads and other diets to no avail from accai berry, Hollywood diet, low carb diet, low protein diet, a fat flush diet, and more pills, shakes, drinks, and food diets than I care to share.
I love math and so I am looking at this at a whole new approach. 3500 calories= 1 pound of fat. I burn roughly 3500 calories a day. If I cut my calorie intake to 2000 calories a day seven days a week (but still eating to get full) I should lose an average of 3 lbs per week, not counting exercise.
So please follow my journey to a whole new life, look, and feeling and we would be pleased if you would join us in our journey.